

絆 : きずな と 結びつき、つながり、競争、そして 協力






  • 共創的な関わりとしてのやりとり(transactions as co-creative relating)
  • 共創的な人格としての自我状態 (ego states as co-creative personality)
  • 共創的なアイデンティティとしての脚本 (scripts as co-creative identity)
  • 共創的な確認としてのゲーム (games as co-creative confirmations)


また、ワークショップでは、共創的T A(交流分析)の発展の歴史と背景、そして共創的TA(交流分析)の哲学的な基礎と原則の紹介を参加者に提供します。

Keith Tudor, PhD, CTA(P), TSTA(P)

キース・テューダー(PhD)、CTA(P)、TSTA(P)はオークランド工科大学の心理療法教授で、心理療法研究グループの共同リーダーでもある。35年以上にわたって交流分析(TA)に関わり、TAに関する多くの記事、章、本の著者であり、最新のものはClaude Steiner, Emotional Activist (Routledge, 2000)である。

Key note speech

 Kizuna: Bonds and binds, connection, competition, and co-operation

This keynote speech elaborates the theme of the conference: 絆 – Kizuna, which refers to the enduring bonds between people. Taking as a starting point, the important of contact – and, indeed, “contact before contract” – the keynote will explore the concepts of bonds as basis of human relationships, including helping and therapeutic ones, as well binds, both positive and problematic. Informed by the tradition of radical psychiatry, the keynote then considers how connection is disrupted through competition and fostered through co-operation.

Co-creative Transactional Analysis – with Keith Tudor

This workshop offers an introduction to co-creative transactional analysis (TA), and will offer an opportunity to explore this re-reading of TA from a constructivist perspective, which emphases health alongside pathology. The workshop will cover: transactions as co-creative relating, ego states as co-creative personality, scripts as co-creative identity, and games as co-creative confirmations. The workshop will also provide participants with some of the history and background to the development of co-creative TA, as well as an introduction to the philosophical foundations and principles of co-creative TA.

Keith Tudor, PhD, CTA(P), TSTA(P)

Keith Tudor, PhD, CTA(P), TSTA(P) is professor of psychotherapy at Auckland University of Technology where he is also co-leader of the Group for Research in the Psychological Therapies. He has been involved in transactional analysis for over 35 years and is the author of a number of articles, chapters and books on TA, the latest of which is Claude Steiner, Emotional Activist (Routledge, 2000).